Success story


Our primary objective was to craft a user-friendly website that would offer customers a seamless experience when ordering dry ice. This new design needed to be intuitive, easy to navigate, and streamline the order process to minimize confusion and errors.
About Difco2
Our research highlighted that Difco2’s customers, while appreciative of the product quality, were frustrated by the website’s outdated design and lack of mobile optimization. Order placement was particularly challenging, leading to frequent errors and dissatisfaction.

The challenge

The key pain points identified were: 1. Outdated Design: Users found the website’s appearance unappealing and unprofessional. 2. Mobile Accessibility: Many users preferred to access the site via mobile, but the experience was far from optimal. 3. Ordering Confusion: The order process was convoluted, resulting in mistakes and lost orders.

Business impact

This project underscored the importance of user-centered design. Understanding user needs and pain points is fundamental to creating a successful and enjoyable online experience. It also highlighted the value of continuous improvement, as user feedback remains invaluable in enhancing the digital presence of any business.
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