Success story


This Website case study aims to: 1. Enhance User Experience: Create a user-centric design that significantly improves the overall user experience on Hexagon120’s website. 2. Reduce Cart Abandonment: Streamline the checkout process to reduce cart abandonment rates, increasing the conversion of visitors into customers. 3. Boost Sales: By addressing these issues, we aim to increase user engagement and, ultimately, boost sales for Hexagon120.
About Hexagon120
Through extensive user research, we aim to gain insights into the preferences and pain points of Hexagon120’s target audience.

The challenge

The primary pain point identified is the difficulty users face in finding specific products due to the confusing website navigation. Additionally, the complex checkout process contributes to high cart abandonment rates.

Business impact

The redesigned Hexagon120 website resulted in significant improvements: 1. Reduced Cart Abandonment: The streamlined checkout process led to a 20% reduction in cart abandonment rates. 2. Increased User Engagement: Users now spend 15% more time on the website, exploring various product categories. 3. Improved Sales: Hexagon120 experienced a 25% increase in online sales within the first month post-launch. This project emphasized the importance of user-centric design and the need for continuous user feedback to enhance the online shopping experience. It also highlighted the tangible benefits of a well-executed Website redesign.
Conversion Rate Increase %
Conversion Rate Increase
Conversion Rate Increase %
Conversion Rate Increase
Conversion Rate Increase %
Conversion Rate Increase
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Conversion Rate Increase

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Conversion Rate Increase

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Conversion Rate Increase