Success story

Provinces Produkti

The goal of this case study is to identify the user pain points and create a design solution that improves the online shopping experience for Provinces Produkti’s customers. By doing so, we aim to increase the store’s online sales and customer satisfaction.
About Provinces Produkti
In our user research, we aimed to understand the current pain points and behaviors of Provinces Produkti’s customers.

The challenge

The primary pain point identified during our research is the difficulty in finding specific products on the website. Users reported that the product categorization and search functionality need improvement.

Business impact

Through this project, we aim to achieve the following impact: 1. Increased Online Sales: By improving the user experience, we expect to see an increase in online sales as users find it easier to shop on the website. 2. Higher Customer Satisfaction: A more user-friendly website will lead to greater customer satisfaction and retention.
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Conversion Rate Increase
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