Success story

UTS Arabia

Our goal is to create a user-centered design that enhances the UTS Arabia platform’s user experience. We aim to make the website more user-friendly, improve navigation, and simplify the process of finding relevant job openings.
About UTS Arabia
Our user research aims to gain insights into the current user base and their experiences with the UTS Arabia platform. We conducted surveys, interviews, and analyzed user behavior metrics.

The challenge

The primary pain point users face is the lack of user-friendliness on the current website. This includes difficulties in: 1. Navigating the website’s structure. 2. Locating relevant job openings. 3. Applying for jobs efficiently.

Business impact

Upon completing this project, we expect to see the following impacts: 1. Improved user engagement and retention. 2. Increased user satisfaction. 3. Streamlined job posting processes for employers. Through this project, I’ve learned the critical importance of user-centric design. Understanding user needs and pain points is foundational to creating effective solutions. Collaboration and iterative design are key to achieving a successful user experience.
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